MPPTA Technical Support

Certified Organic Meat Processing: A Hidden Opportunity

Differentiation is key to the success of smaller meat and poultry processors. After all, the big chains can produce generic bricks of ground beef and steaks cheaper than any mom-and-pop processor in the country.

However, a growing segment of consumers want something better than a generic cut of meat. A slew of ongoing consumer studies shows that shoppers increasingly value meat and poultry sourced locally from producers dedicated to environmental stewardship and humane animal husbandry.

Dealing with the Unwanted Gift of Stress During the Holiday Season

Dealing with the Unwanted Gift of Stress During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is touted as a time of joy, with families gathering to exchange gifts and share fellowship. However, for many people, this is the season of depression and loneliness, even when surrounded by friends and family.

A survey by the American Psychological Association last year found that 89% of American adults feel stressed during the holiday season, with 41% saying stress is higher during the holidays than at other times of the year.